Lotr two towers how to defeat troll
Lotr two towers how to defeat troll

lotr two towers how to defeat troll lotr two towers how to defeat troll

If you wish to host this FAQ on your website please contact me at If you do use it, please do not change it in any way and please give me proper credit. If you see this FAQ on any site which isn't on the list, me contact me immediately. These are the websites which are currently allowed to host my FAQ- GAMEFAQS CHEATHAPPENS http:/Under no circumstances can host this document. It may not be used on any website that has not first attained permission from me. = + + + + + LEGAL STUFF + + + + + = This FAQ/Walkthrough is (c) 2003 to Rockin N Deep. 0.8- 04/03/0- Added the search string and re-numbered the section headers. Also a few more fomat issues to clear up. Hope the guide helps you, - Rockin N Deep = + + + + + REVISION HISTORY + + + + + = 0.7- 02/03/04- Almost complete, need to finish the Enemies section and the Combos and Upgades section. I am sorry to say that the FAQ has spoilers right the way through, as it is the easiest way to compile this FAQ. This will cover the most amount of people playing the game. Also, I will tell you, that the FAQ was compiled on the 'Normal Mode' of the game. This is mainly due to the deteriorating health of my keyboard. Again for my 3rd FAQ in a row, I will apologise for my poor spelling. = + + + + + INTRODUCTION + + + + + = So, here is my Lord of the Ring The Two Towers FAQ, as I promised in my Fellowship FAQ, even if it is a little late! I am a little anxious as to whether this FAQ will be accepted, as there are already many for this game. i.e Input FRAQ and press enter twice to be taken to the Frequently Asked Questions section. Then press enter twice and you will be taken to the section you want.

#Lotr two towers how to defeat troll code#

Closing Words Now, I know this feature is usually used in particularly large FAQ's, but I think why not use it on any?, so here it is- Press Ctrl+F together and input the code thats in next to the section you want.

Lotr two towers how to defeat troll